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Answer 2) 6” radius cookie is the correct answer.


          Here you must understand the circumference formula for a circle.

C = 2∏r

          Having an understanding of this formula allows you to make short work of this problem.

Answer 1) 10” diameter cookie, is obviously a smaller cookie than that reverenced in Answer 2) 6” radius cookie. 

Diameter (d) is equal to twice the radius (r).

d = 2r

The 6” radius cookie would have a 12” diameter. 


          This immediately eliminates answers 1 and 4 because:

  • The diameter of the 6" radius cookie (12") is larger than 10"

  • Not all of the cookies are the same size and therefore cannot be of the same value.

          This leaves only Answer 3) 34.5” circumference cookie and Answer 2) 6” radius cookie.

Using the C = 2∏r formula and plugging in the value for the 6” radius cookie yields a cookie with a circumference of more than 37”, which is larger than the 34.5" circumference cookie in Answer 3.  

C = 2 x 3.14 x 6 = 37.7”